Date of Birth
Age at Rescue
14 Years Old
Rescue Location
Kanchanaburi Trekking Camp
Rescue Date
June 2015
Herd / Friends
Khamla Herd
Manao (meaning Lime) was born around 2001.
She was born at an elephant riding and show camp as a result of forced breeding. At a very young age she was tied to her mother whilst she gave rides to tourists. Manao and her mother were then separated so the mahout (keeper) could start the process of breaking her spirit to force her to perform demeaning tricks and carry people on her back.
Manao was rescued along with 19 other elephants in early June 2015. She has an adopted nanny named Mae Malee.
Manao is at the age where she is interested in caring for younger elephants, so she is very interested in Kham La, who arrived around the same time as she did.
Manao is thriving at Elephant Nature Park and is living with the dignity and respect that all animals deserve.