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Rescued elephants building new family bonds in the sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park

Rescued elephants building new family bonds Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary

During a period of quarantine to adapt to their new environment, Mho Jae had the privilege of receiving an unrelenting visitor named SookSai, who sought the esteemed role of being nanny to the little boy, Sa Ngae. This is the first time that all three of them were able to be together outside of the quarantine area and were able to roam freely in a spacious area. Happy now to explore their surroundings, the three are building the bonds of trust and enjoying time well-spent together, especially when rolling in the mud pit during a heavy rain.

muaylek gains confidence taking her first mud bath at elephant nature park

Elephant MuayLek gains confidence with help of her friends taking her first mud bath

MuayLek is enjoying her first mud bath as the monsoon season begins in earnest, granting the mud pit a new life. MuayLek seems nervous to lie down as if she never had opportunity to play in the mud before. ThongAe and FaaMai showed her what to do. Confidence gained, she threw herself into the muddy mess with abandon. A great conversation was had at the end of the play. MuayLek has not been here long, yet she has adjusted very well to the new surroundings at Elephant Nature Park, thanks to the mothering care of FaaMai.

elephant of the week kabu at elephant nature park

Elephant of the Week 17 July 2023: Kabu

Kabu had a horrible life by the time that we rescued her at 28 years old. As a youngster born to a logging mother, she would follow her mother into the mountain where she worked so that she could nurse. It’s a dangerous environment and a labor rife with abuse.

A logged rolled and dislocated the ankle of a 2 year old girl. It took her a long and painful time to recover, and in the meanwhile dislocating her shoulder learning to walk again. As she grew up, eventually she was trained harshly to follow in the footsteps of her mother. She became a logging elephant, despite her physical infirmity.

Flashback Friday:ThongAe

Flashback Friday:ThongAe

Below is a post originally posted by our founder Saengduean Lek Chailert to Save Elephant Foundation Facebook page 17 April 2019 – To all friends,
I would like to update you about Thong Ae. We finally got a positive answer from Thong Ae’s owner. We invited them to visit to observe ThongAe’s fortunate place within family, connecting with a strong bond to her nannies and others here at ENP.

Early morning at Elephant Nature Park

Early morning scenes at Elephant Nature Park

FaaMai has long since learned that if she refuses to go back to the shelter at the end of the day, she gets to have new & exciting experiences with other elephants who have come to the river. In this video, we see Mho Jae, obsessed with food hogging whilst SookSai performs her dutiful role of nanny. SookSai caringly restrict access of FaaMai to her little ward, the beautiful boy Sa Ngae.

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