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landmine survivor elephant of the ponsawan calls her friends to run through the forest in the sanctuary of elephant nature park

Elephant of the Week 10 July 2023: Landmine Survivor Ponsawan

Ponsawan is a former logging elephant and unfortunate landmine victim who was rescued by Save Elephant Foundation in August 2011 from illegal logging. She is now 29 years old. She truly loves her life of freedom in the sanctuary of Elephant Nature Park, and does not hesitate to express that. When the river is particularly high, she will be even more excited, and loves to run into the forest, always calling her friends to join with her.

Flashback Friday - 7 elephants rescued by save elephant foundation - first day of freedom at elephant nature park

Flask Back Friday 2 – Save Elephant Foundation Rescue 7 Elephants – Sanctuary at Elephant Nature Park

After the huge logistical operation to rescue 7 elephants, Save Elephant Foundation founder Saengduean Lek Chailert said: On behalf of these 7 majestic Giants, we would like to thank the TrunksUp campaign and all those who have donated to help free these 7 elephants.

Thanks to Khun Meaw Warattada Pattarodom and her team who supported the rescue of HomNuan, retiring them from riding to a life free from work.

Thanks to all of you who support the work of Save Elephant Foundation. You are helping us to make a big change for the lives of the captive elephant.

land mine victim thaikoon rushes to meet her friends at elephant nature park

Handicapped elephant Thaikoon reacts to her friends voices and runs to join them

Thaikoon is one of the elephants at Elephant Nature Park who was and still is a land mine victim. She carries the scars of her past everywhere she goes. Despite her handicap from a landmine accident, she is able to walk & also walk faster when she is in a hurry. When her friends Tilly and Khampuan call out for her, she quickly rushes to meet up with her favourite companions who roar their excitement and longing for her at Elephant Nature Park.

elephant of the week sanmueng at elephant nature park

Elephant of the Week 4th July 2023: 10 year old SanMueng

Seven year old SanMueng was rescued almost 3 years ago, from a zoo in Phuket where he had been forced to perform for tourists since the age of 2. SanMueng was taken from his mother when he was just three years old. Since that time he has only known a sad confined zoo life. SanMueng arrived at Elephant Nature Park on 10 September 2020 at the young age of 7 and now as a fine developing bull elephant, he is able to run freely in a huge enclosure and be cared for by people within the sanctuary at Elephant Nature Park.

Chana opens the gate and leads her friends to bathe in the river at Elephant Nature Park

Elephant Chana Opens The Gate And Leads the Herd To Bathe in the River

Chana, the youngest member of this family, is incredibly clever. She has a keen sense for the routines at Elephant Nature Park and instinctively predicts when the caretaker intends to take them to the river. Instead of waiting for her mahout’s call, she takes matters into her own hands. Chana opens the gate to their lunchtime feeding area by herself and leads her friends to the bathing area after they have finished lunch.

Elephant family protect baby elephant chana in the rain at elephant nature park

Elephants protect a baby while she sleeps during a rain storm

This is another touching video, showing an elephant family gathering closely around a baby elephant at Elephant Nature Park as she lays in the mud during a rainstorm. The family protects her while she is laying down in the rain. Laying in the mud and in the rain, Chana is certainly wet & muddy but the nannies show a form of protection to their cherished baby Chana.

SookSai wants to be a nanny of newly rescued baby elephant Sa Ngae.jpg

SookSai Presents Herself To Be A Nanny For Newly Rescued Baby Sa Ngae

There is a wonderful story to be seen in this video, showing the start of a relationship between a baby elephant Sa Ngae andan older elephant SookSai. Sa Ngae’s mother Mho Jae is constantly in the vicinity and lets her baby play with SookSai.

The story to be understood here is that SookSai is presenting herself to be a nanny for the baby and showing that she would like to bond with the family.

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