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SriPrae gives birth to Navaan at Elephant Nature Park

Rescued Elephant SriPrae gives birth to Navaan

She never presented any signs she was pregnant, so we were quite surprised to hear the elephant commotion in the early morning, said Sangduen Lek Chailert, the founder of Save Elephant Foundation. Given the long gestation period of elephants and the lack of fertile bulls at Elephant Nature Park upon SriPrae’s arrival at the park, we are convinced she was already pregnant when we rescued her. We have so many false pregnancies at the park we never suspected she might have been carrying a baby.

Elephant of the Week Bunma

Elephant of the Week: Bunma

On August 10th, 2021, Bunma and her baby girl, Chaba, walked over a mountain to their freedom at Elephant Nature Park. You can read more about the heart wrenching decisions and timely actions of Save Elephant Foundation to rescue Bunma with her little baby Chaba in her life story page.

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