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Elephant of the week 17 September 2019: Thong Suk (Jungle Boy)

Elephant of the week 17 September 2019: Thong Suk (Jungle Boy)

Thong Suk’s name translates to ‘Golden Happiness’ and is affectionately known by many as Jungle Boy. He arrived at Elephant Nature Park in May 2003. His mother, Mae Boon Ma was a trekking elephant but thankfully her owners allowed her rest towards the end of her pregnancy. During this rest period she stayed at one of our ethical tourism projects, Elephant Haven and Jungle Boy was born there in November 2001.

Update from Darrick on Gluay Hom

Update from Darrick on Gluay Hom

Gluay Hom is doing very well. TX continues for the swelling in his leg (pain and anti inflam meds). His leg is almost back to normal, but the joint is still stiff, and he favors that leg. I am quite pleased, and very happy with our medical team. Gluay Hom’s energy levels are good. He eats well and his weight is up. The river has been high, so he hasn’t made it over to our elephant scale for an accurate evaluation.

Kanjana and Fah Mui the two rescued elephants form their beautiful relationship

Kanjana and Fah Mui the two rescued elephants form their beautiful relationship

Kanjana was found trapped in a pit during the fire season. She was just a baby and had fallen into it, breaking her ankle and her legs were badly burned from coals that had collected in the hole. Locals heard her cries and pulled her out. Her family was never found and she eventually became a logging elephant in the Pai area, until the days of trekking began. Her early injuries did not make her a good candidate for either logging or service riding, and we took her away from all of that.

Welcome Home to our new Elephant Nature Park family member Gluay Hom

Welcome Home to our new Elephant Nature Park family member Gluay Hom

This little boy is quite fatigued. Rest and a nutritionally balanced food regimen will improve his energy levels. For now, he seems somewhat baffled by his new chain less condition. He will play with a chain that locks his gate, jangling it repeatedly. He enjoys his mud pit, and indeed, has been sleeping there rather than under the shelter on his sand pile. It is a time for adjustments to his new life status. He is on anti-inflammatory meds and pain modifiers for his injured leg. We will xray it next week. Superficial wounds have been treated. He is a good patient, and still a gentle young boy.

Happy Birthday our “Queen of the flowers” – Our sweet girl DokMai was born in April 6, 2013.

Happy Birthday our “Queen of the flowers” – Our sweet girl DokMai was born in April 6, 2013.

Happy Birthday our “Queen of the flowers” You deserve all the love and happiness. You are the sweetest girl ever! we are sending you all the love in the world on your birthday. Our sweet girl, DokMai was born in April 6, 2013. She weighed in at a whopping 113 kg and stood almost a meter tall at birth. She is DokNgern’s second child born into freedom at Elephant Nature Park. DokMai has an older brother named Chang Yim. She will never have her spirit broken and will never be separated from her mother.

Rescued Elephants FahMui and Kanjana develop a deep bond at Elephant Nature Park

Rescued Elephants FahMui and Kanjana develop a deep bond at Elephant Nature Park

Beautiful story from our Founder – Saengduean Lek Chailert: In July of this year we rescued FahMui from southern Thailand, and a week later we rescued Kanjana who came from Pai. They were introduced on arrival, and an unexpected deep bond readily formed between them, so much so that they sheltered together right from the start. It seems likely that Fahmui became the mother who Kanjana never had.

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