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Family fun with baby Sa Ngae

Family fun with baby Sa Ngae

Baby Sa Ngae and his mother Mho Jae are becoming more and more confident each day with the support of nanny SookSai. Watch as baby Sa Ngae explores the sanctuary, finding a new elephant enrichment toy which brings much joy and interest for the whole family!

Please join Elephant Nature Park in wishing Sa Ngae a very happy 2nd birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday to adorable baby Sa Ngae

Look who’s 2 years old today ! Our adorable baby boy, SaNgae. This little boy is so fortunate to have a nanny who dotes over his every breath. SookSai gives the boy strength and purpose. It’s almost tangible the change in the presence of SaNgae today compared to his arrival not so long ago. He is a magnificent baby bull, curious and tenderhearted for the time being. Let’s not borrow trouble, but celebrate his beauty always. ❤️ 💕❤️

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