Happy Birthday (10 years old ) to our beautiful Faa Mai. You are the gift from heaven.
Faa Mai was born April 17, 2009 Her name means ‘A New Day’. She is the first calf born from an ENP’s mother and father. Faa Mai will never suffer cruel torture training. She will never work a day in her life. She will stay in a matriarchal family group with her mother Mae Bua Tong, her big sister Tong Jaan, and adopted big sister Faa Sai for the rest of her life. Faa Mai enjoys being a junior nanny to Dok Mai and Dok Rak, daughter and son of Dok Ngern. She is the pampered princess of the ENP, confident and sometimes a bit stubborn.
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!! Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and happiness forever.
You are a lucky girl and deserve all the happiness in the world.