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Rescuing Elephants with our new Elephant Rescue Vehicle

We have been blessed with a new Elephant Rescue Vehicle.

Elephant Nature Park together with Save Elephant Foundation, have been rescuing elephants from various locations and businesses across Thailand for nearly 3 decades, whether it was a small elephant, an old elephant, or a handicapped elephant.

Typically we relied on rented agricultural trucks from different companies, many of which were old and lacked sufficient equipment and in addition, each journey presented its own set of challenges and discomfort.

A particular challenge arose when helping disabled, elderly, or sick elephants with weak bodies. Loading them onto the trucks proved to be hugely problematic, often taking hours to accomplish.

However, thanks to the unwavering support of Jennifer McCausland through the Centre for a Humane Economy, we now have a beautiful Elephant Rescue vehicle designed specifically for this purpose. Jennifer played a pivotal role in orchestrating the purchase and development of this elephant truck for our rescue missions.

Elephant Rescue Vehicle - Elephants in Crisis-Center for a humane economy

This specially crafted elephant rescue vehicle is fully equipped to transport elephants and was custom-made, taking almost six months to assemble by a skilled Thai manufacturing company. Darrick provided valuable input on the vehicle’s design, ensuring its suitability for any transport situation. The truck will not only provide benefit to our own work with elephant rescue transportation but will also be available to aid any sick elephants in our region who require assistance.

These are just some of the essentials we have been able to include in our truck thanks to your tremendous support:

  • water supply
  • a water spray system
  • lighting
  • a rest and sleep area for the Mahout
  • a mechanical winch
  • shade
  • hydraulic ramp
  • flexible support & layout for elephants
  • rigid structure

Quote from our founder Saengduean Lek Chailert:
Your donations through the Center for a Humane Economy have made a tremendous impact. Jennifer, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your incredible generosity and constant support of our project. Your love and care for these magnificent creatures, as well as your dedication to the work of Save Elephant Foundation, are truly commendable.

Thank you Jennifer, for making a real difference in the lives of these beautiful giants.


This specialised Elephant Rescue Vehicle will now play a vital role in our ongoing work to help elephants across South East Asia.

You can see some of the moments of the first use of the truck in this video made by Lek during her recent rescue of Sopa, the 60- 80 year old lady and the arduous near 24 hour journey to her new life at our elephant rescue and rehabilitation center in Chiang Mai Northern Thailand.

More about Center for a Humane Economy

Campaign-Elephants in Crises

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